Further Information


My consulting room in central London is located near several tube stations, the nearest being Oxford Circus or Piccadilly Circus. Many buses serve the area and whilst there is some parking nearby, it is very limited.

Fees and paying for therapy

My fees for therapy can be on a sliding scale but are usually in the region of £110 – 180 for individuals and £175 – 220 for couples. Other charges for supervision are available on request. Methods of payment: Payment is usually monthly in arrears and can be made by bank transfer. 

Considering therapy

Initially, it is a good idea to meet two or three times to get a sense of the issues which have brought you to consider therapy. It also gives you a chance to find out about therapy and see whether it seems like this might be the right way forward at this point. Once we have met a couple of times, and have begun to understand the nature of your difficulties, then together we can discuss both the choice of therapeutic approach and also the frequency of the therapy. If it looks like I may not be the right person to help you, then we can see whether a referral on to someone else or another service might be indicated, so that you can access the best kind of help for your situation.

Starting therapy and missed sessions

If you decide to start therapy, in order to get the most out the work, then sessions are best undertaken regularly, normally weekly and – if at all possible – at the same time each week. As part of the therapy, I undertake a commitment to keeping the appointment available and open for you each week. This means that I do charge for missed sessions as they are reserved for you even in their absence. If you are unable to attend and know you have to miss a session, I will make every effort to offer a replacement session during the week though this might not always be possible. 

I will usually give you ample notice of times when I am away from work. Normally, I take holidays around Christmas, Easter and later in the Summer. You are not charged for sessions when I am away.

Ending Therapy

Usually, setting an end date for the therapy is something which it is important to discuss together and make a thoughtful decision about, in order that we can spend some time reviewing the progress and looking ahead to the future. I do not normally set an end date for the therapy, but it is important that where possible, there can be a planned ending of the work together.

Some people prefer from the onset to have an ending date in mind, either because they feel more comfortable about entering into a brief or time-limited psychotherapy, or due to expected changes in external circumstances (relocating, life changes such as pregnancy etc.) In my experience, it is helpful where possible, to discuss this from the outset so we can tailor the work accordingly.